- Homecoming Week!!!
- spelling-Unit 10
- reading-Wanted: Mud Blossom/ skill-elements of a mystery, story structure, & noting details
- history- test on the four tribes Tuesday - Begin explorers. (pp.88-89)
- language-We will continue working on possessive nouns. (pp.76-79)
- math- pp. 190-202
- Bible-Gen. 29, 31, 32, and 33
- science-We will be studying the skeletal system and the muscular system.(pp.186-188)
- Pumpkin Project- Your child should be planning his/her pumpkin. Several children have shown me their plans for their "animal" which included the sketch and planned materials. They also included the planned adaptations, diet, and habitat. We will use their poster board to make "character webs" for their creation. The poster will be used in the presentation of their pumpkin on Oct.31.
- I really am enjoying your children. This class is so obedient, happy, and congenial.